Temtem, you might recall, entered Steam early access back in January 2020, selling over half a million copies in its first month of release. Crema has been steadily expanded the game’s core creature-collecting and battling action since then - introducing the likes of new Temtem, new islands to explore, and new social and competitive features, not to mention launching an early access version for PS5 - and update 1.0 is now finally in sight. After more than two years in early access, Temtem is already pretty feature rich, with its pre-release version including the bulk of its story campaign across the Airborne Archipelago, well over 100 Temtem to catch, co-op play, competitive multiplayer, clans, housing, trading, and tournaments. However, its final release promises a number of new additions. Version 1.0 will, for instance, include a new end-game island to explore, as well as new weekly quests that’ll update regularly post-launch, and seasonal content incorporating a Battle Pass with free and premium award tracks. Temtem is getting a digital and physical release on Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and Switch, but, unsurprisingly, will remain digital-only on Steam and the Humble Store. A Digital Deluxe version featuring the game and various cosmetic bonuses is also available to pre-order.