If you’re planning on conducting these legendary Mega Evolutions, then we recommend visiting our Mega Evolutions guide since this feature has recently been reworked. Throughout Air Adventures, you can find event-exclusive field research tasks and complete Electrify the Sky - a timed research quest. On this page:

‘Electrify the Sky’ make up event quest steps in Pokémon Go

On 13th May, 2022, Niantic released new Electrify the Sky quest steps to make up for issues with the original Air Adventures event, with new steps appearing until May 18th at 8pm local time. These are buried amongst the Water Festival event, and have easier requirements for the same Mega Evolution Candy rewards: ‘Electrify the Sky’ make up steps Step 1 of 1

Catch a Pokémon - 50 Mega Latias Energy Take a snapshot of a wild Pokémon - 50 Mega Latios Energy

Rewards: 3000 XP and a Flying Pikachu encounter Here is Niantic’s announcement of the make up event: Enjoy the easy Mega Candy! Thankfully Electrify the Sky is very short, so you should have no trouble completing it. Below you’ll find all of the Electrify the Sky challenges and rewards, but keep in mind that this section does contain spoilers! ‘Electrify the Sky’ Step 1 of 1

Catch 10 Pikachu - 50 Mega Latias Energy Catch 30 Flying-type Pokémon - 50 Mega Latios Energy

Rewards: 3000 XP and a Flying Pikachu encounter Here are the Air Adventures field research tasks:

Catch 3 Flying-type Pokémon reward - Flying Pikachu encounter Catch 10 Pokémon with weather boost reward - Doduo encounter Purify 1 Shadow Pokémon reward - Swablu encounter Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket Grunts reward - Emolga encounter

Thank you to SilphScience from reddit for the help with this information. The Season of Mythical Wishes continues with the Winter Holiday event, which has brought Mega Glalie to Pokémon Go. Don’t forget to partake in the new Go Battle League season. Elsewhere, be sure to use Daily Adventure Incense for the chance of encountering Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres.
Air Adventures also continues celebrating the Mega Evolution rework with the release of Mega Latias and Mega Latios. These are the first legendary Mega Evolutions to appear in Pokémon Go, so it’s a good idea to know both Mega Latias’ weaknesses and Mega Latios’ weaknesses before battling them. If you do successfully capture either Latias or Latios, maybe even both, during Air Adventures, then you’ll discover they know a move exclusive to this event. Below you’ll find said exclusive moves, along with how powerful each one is in trainer battles, gyms and raids: Latias - Mist Ball (Psychic Charged Attack)

Trainer Battles - 120 power and the chance of lowering the opposing Pokémon’s Attack Gyms and Raids - 105 power

Latios - Luster Purge (Psychic Charged Attack)

Trainer Battles - 120 power and the chance of lowering the opposing Pokémon’s Defence Gyms and Raids - 100 power

Alongside these new Mega Pokémon, you can also battle Charizard, Lapras and Togekiss in three-star raids. Air Adventures also sees a welcome return to Flying Pikachu - one of Pikachu’s many different costumes. Flying Pikachu can be caught through a variety of means during the event, including appearing in the wild alongside the following Pokémon:

Charizard Jigglypuff Meowth Psyduck Doduo Magikarp Mantine Wingull Swablu Drifloon

Finally, any 7km egg collected during Air Adventures will have the following egg pool: Tier One

Togepi Mantyke Emolga Noibat

Have fun during the Air Adventures event!

Pok mon Go Electrify the Sky make up event  Air Adventures field research tasks - 96Pok mon Go Electrify the Sky make up event  Air Adventures field research tasks - 93Pok mon Go Electrify the Sky make up event  Air Adventures field research tasks - 90Pok mon Go Electrify the Sky make up event  Air Adventures field research tasks - 14Pok mon Go Electrify the Sky make up event  Air Adventures field research tasks - 49Pok mon Go Electrify the Sky make up event  Air Adventures field research tasks - 13Pok mon Go Electrify the Sky make up event  Air Adventures field research tasks - 55Pok mon Go Electrify the Sky make up event  Air Adventures field research tasks - 67Pok mon Go Electrify the Sky make up event  Air Adventures field research tasks - 2