City of Ghosts introduces a second, fully voiced campaign that serves as a direct sequel to the the main game, once again following protagonist Rania as she zips around the striking open-world metropolis of Nivalis in her trusty flying HOVA. Canine companion Camus is also along for the ride, but this time Rani is joined by a second hero - deadbeat gambler Hayse - with players switching between the pair’s interlinking stories as City of Ghosts unfolds. “As Rania attracts the unwelcome attention of the massive delivery corporation Curzona,” explains Ion Lands, “she must also evade a secret society of AI worshipping zealots. Her night gets even worse when the Debt Corps finally track her down, and Rania finds herself trying to outrun her past as well as a homicidal, chimeric cyborg. Meanwhile, drunken gambler Hayse tries to clear his debt before morning, but with an appetite for self-destruction and a bumbling CorpSec android for company, the odds aren’t in his favour.” Alongside the new campaign, said to be “darker, tenser, more complex” than the original - as well as longer - City of Ghosts promises new areas to explore, new characters and mysteries, HOVA customisation, street racing, and different endings depending on player choices. City of Ghosts is set to launch on PC “soon” (there’s no word yet on whether it’ll be making its way to consoles), and to celebrate today’s announcement, there’s 40% off Cloudpunk on Steam, bringing the price down to £10.19. Ion Lands has continued to expand and refine Cloudpunk since its launch last year, adding the likes of a first-person mode and, more recently, a enormously welcome cockpit view, enabling players to soak up Nivalis’ gorgeous sights from behind the wheel of their HOVA.