As a dedicated helmet-head, I figured that Sony would be aiming for a price point somewhere around that of a PS5 so the figures it quoted as pre-order prices didn’t shock me too much. I’ve gone hands-on with the PSVR 2 in the past, so I know that it’s a high quality piece of kit and, with the addition of the Sense controllers in the package, that lofty price seemed about right to me. What didn’t sit too well with me however, was the fact that the base PSVR 2 bundle seems to come with literally no games. At the time of writing this, Sony hasn’t mentioned anything about a PlayStation VR Worlds style demo disc or download code being included in the packaging for the base bundle like it was for the original PSVR. With the understandable but disappointing lack of backwards compatibility for the original PSVR library, this can only be seen as a negative to any potential new adopters of the tech. How can Sony expect to attract a new audience to the PSVR 2 if it’s this expensive and there’s hardly any games to play on it at launch? That was one of the questions asked by Eurogamer’s news team when I joined them on their Newscast this week and honestly, it was a good question. So far the only launch titles to have been officially announced are the PSVR 2 exclusive, Horizon: Call of the Mountain and an updated port of the Quest 2 game, Cities VR: Enhanced Edition. That’s hardly a line-up worth risking close to £600 on if you shell out for the Horizon bundle so I thought to myself, “what else does the PSVR 2 have going for it right now?” That’s where this week’s episode of VR Corner comes in, which you can watch on the video player at the top of this page. In it are 47 confirmed PSVR 2 games that are in development for the headset right now, and this should give you an idea of what else is coming to the PSVR 2 at some point in the future (and it’s not just shooter games this time, I promise). Those 47 games range in quality of course. Some of them are newly announced PSVR 2 exclusives like the Rush of Blood sequel, The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR, while others look a tad more like generic VR shovelware. If you also include the 13 high quality games that I’ve listed in the video embedded a couple of paragraphs above these words, that brings the number of confirmed PSVR 2 titles so far to around 60. That is a pretty decent number if you ask me, especially as I’m hoping that number to get boosted as we get closer to launch by developers of PSVR 1 games announcing PSVR 2 updates for their titles. So, while the future for PSVR 2 might not be looking as bright as it could do at the moment in terms of launch titles to play, there is hope for a bustling library in the future. And hey, at least it’ll give you time to save up some cash if you decide to wait until there’s some actual games to play on it!