The game originally arrived on Switch in digital form only accompanying Bayonetta 2, but a physical edition was promised this year exclusive to the Nintendo Store. This was then delayed from September to the “first half of October”, but fans criticised the inability to pre-order in advance. Watch on YouTube Bayonetta 3 Review: A Slight Mess? SPOILER FREE Review - BAYONETTA 3 GAMEPLAY Then, on 25th October, the game was released on the Nintendo Store but sold out almost instantly.

In a new tweet, Nintendo has apologised for the lack of stock. Fans can now register their interest ready for when stock returns. “We apologise that we could not meet demand for the physical edition of the first Bayonetta game recently. We will restock the physical edition of the first Bayonetta game once more later this year, on My Nintendo Store,” it said. The news comes as Bayonetta 3 is released today. Martin described it as a “messy melange” in his review, awarding the game a Recommended badge. The third game has been surrounded by even more controversy, however, with its voice actresses. Original voice actress Hellena Taylor issued a new statement this week defending her reputation in the industry.